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Here's Our Blog..

An ongoing series of informational entries to help you along your fitness journey.

Are you eating enough vegetables?

DECEMBER 18, 2017

Vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals.

Their many benefits include :-

Aiding the digestive system

Lowering the risk of heart disease

Reducing blood cholesterol levels

Keeping eyes and skin healthy

Helping to protect the body against infections

Every meal you eat should contain at least two fist sized portions of vegetables


Carbohydrates shouldn't be your enemy!

DECEMBER 10, 2017

Everybody is avoiding carbs when it comes to getting in shape, WHY?

Yes agreed that high processed sugars from confectionary foods are bad, but cutting out important carbohydrates that provide your body with sufficient energy is not the right way to go.

The right way is to consume smart portions of energy dense healthy carbohydrates such as :

- Vegetables

- Brown rice

- Wholemeal bread

- Potatoes

- Wholewheat pasta

Consume 1 to 2 handfuls at meal times.


Looking for perfection!

DECEMBER 4, 2017

Looking for perfection!

Striving for perfection within your workouts is holding you back!

Not every day in the gym will work out to be 100%, and it doesn't have to be!

Work hard, be consistent, vary intensity, continue to improve.


What message are you giving your body?

NOVEMBER 26, 2017

What message are you giving your body?

Eat 17 out of your 21 meals each week healthily and your body will respond positively and your body shape will improve.

It's not hard to follow but without the right building blocks in place your body will simply not change.

3 healthy meals per day.


Try this breakfast!

NOVEMBER 19, 2017


High protein authentic greek yoghurt with mixed berries - Healthy, convenient and a perfect start to your day!

Sprinkle in a tablespoon of oats for added energy!

Keep it simple with regular workouts!

NOVEMBER 12, 2017

Being consistent with exercise will get you to your goal quicker.

Training your mind and body to adapt and recover to regular workouts will deliver far greater results than training randomly without a set programme.

An example of this is setting your workout days to Monday, Wednesday and Saturday instead of thinking 'i might go Tuesday for 30 minutes and possibly Monday'.

This will provide the level of commitment you need to achieve great results!

Finding 30 Active Minutes

NOVEMBER 5, 2017

Want more energy, brain power, less stress or to feel more productive?

Exercise has a lot to answer for; by exercise we mean 30 minutes of moderate activity such as walking, cycling, or any activity that is perceived to some what hard.

- Increased energy

- Supercharge your brain power

- Clean bill of health

- Enhanced appearance

Does the thought of exercise stress you out?

Try it for yourself and you will soon begin to experience far less stress in every part of your life.

'The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today!'

3 Foods for Focus, Concentration & Energy

NOVEMBER 1, 2017

Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel - Rich in omega 3 fats, aiding memory, behavioural function and mental performance.

Blueberries - Regulate energy, boost concentration and memory for up to 5 hours alongside increased flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.

Leafy green vegetables - Full of antioxidants and b-vitamins which are proven to help your memory, focus and overall brain health.

'You don't have to eat less, you just have to eat right'

Want to boost your workout? Go natural with black coffee..

OCTOBER 26, 2017

Coffee is a natural performance enhancer that guarantees to boost your ability to increase power and train for longer.

3 reasons why you should choose coffee over a host of unnatural packaged products before your workout :

1. Improves focus and concentration

2. Accelerates fat loss and metabolism

3. Decreases muscle pain and soreness

1 Cup

1 Heaped teaspoon of instant or espresso coffee

No sugar

No milk

Eating a protein packed breakfast..

OCTOBER 18, 2017

Skip those sugary cereals that make you feel sluggish, lose those smoothies than contain almost a days sugar intake in one go and try having something more substantial!

Why should I incorporate protein in my breakfast?

- Feel more energized and ready to take on your day

- Feel fuller for longer and not be reaching for those snacks by 11am

- Eating protein in the morning has been proven to aid weight loss compared to high carb, high sugar cereals and smoothies

- Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day, contributing to increased body fat

Examples of a healthy protein breakfast:

1 slice wholegrain toast, 2 large poached eggs,1 bacon medallion,1 tbsp butter (18 grams of protein)

170g authentic Greek yoghurt, 25g of oats and 30g of blueberries

(21 grams of protein)

The importance of sleep for your health

OCTOBER 9, 2017

- Sleep protects your mental and physical health and quality of life

- Lack of sleep affects how you think, react, work and learn

- Not getting enough sleep leads to cravings for sugary food products and can result in weight gain

- As little as 1 hour of sleep deficiency per night can have a negative impact on the way your body functions

Food cravings explained..

OCTOBER 2, 2017

Do you constantly feel like your body is fighting food cravings? Cravings are more important than everybody thinks. They are the body’s method of telling you it is in need.

Broken down below are what your cravings mean:

Salt – Mineral deficiencies or dehydration are caused by a lack of salt (The body will crave salt to help retain water)

Sugar – If the body is craving sugar it is down to a shortage of protein, amino acids, or the need for brain fuel.

Bread or Pasta – Unbalanced blood sugar levels or the presence of an infection in the body.

Dairy – The body has insufficient fatty acids, protein or amino acids

Want to achieve a leaner physique?

SEPTEMBER 27, 2017

Try swapping out these unhealthy cooking ways for the good ones and see your body change.

Bad -

Fried, Battered, Creamy, Breaded, Smothered, Buttery.

Good -

Boiled, Steamed, Roasted, Fresh, Grilled, Sauteed.

3 Reasons you aren't seeing results!

SEPTEMBER 16, 2017

You aren't in a calorie deficit. This is the bottom line to any weight and fat loss goal in order to lose weight or lower your body fat. You simply must burn more calories than you consume.

You aren't tracking what you are eating. Weight loss and fat loss involves paying attention to the quantity of your food; changing body composition involves focusing on the quality of your food. Keeping a food log is a simple way of monitoring your daily intake when trying to change your body, try it for 3 days and you'll be surprised what's in the food you are eating!

You are focusing on one area of exercise. Say for example you do 45 minutes on a treadmill 4 times a week and this is the only exercise you do. That’s not going to get you results, you need to adapt a series of different exercises in order to change your body, you need to continually find ways to challenge yourself and undergo the process of progressive overload.

How many calories can you burn in one hour?!


Walking burns 245 calories 

Cycling burns 420 calories

Light Jog burns 490 calories

Running burns 560 calories

High Intensity Interval Training burns 900 calories

This is based on a person weighing 70 kg, get burning!!

You simply can't out-train a bad diet!


You wont feel up to doing any physical activity..

Unhealthy food choices — whether you’re eating too much fat, too many calories, or not enough of either can make you feel slow, sluggish and less driven to exercise

You wont be able to tone your target areas..

Having a hard time sculpting washboard abs? When you consume excess calories, your workouts alone cant burn them off, meaning they head right to these trouble zones and significantly limit your potential for improvement.

You wont have the energy to exercise if you are not eating enough..

Keep in mind that a ‘diet’ or ‘detox’may be perceived as healthy but in turn can be harmful to your workouts if you aren't consuming the correct amount of the right foods. Try tracking your food for 5 days to see what and how much you consume.

You wont be able to hit your peak if you are overdoing it with the wrong foods..

To successfully change your physique and stay toned requires intense exercise. You won’t have the physical endurance to push through tough workouts if your diet isn’t up to standard. Yes, that unfortunately means that while a bar of dairy milk and a can of fanta may give you a sugar high that you mistake as energy, they won’t fuel you to achieve your personal record on the bench or around the track

"Workout your body, take control of your diet & be inspired by the results"

Building blocks for a healthy, sustainable diet.

AUGUST 25, 2017

6 to 8 servings of grains :- These include bread, cereal, rice, and pasta, and at least 3 servings should be from whole grains. A serving of bread is one slice while a serving of cereal 1 cup. A serving of rice or pasta is 1/2 cup cooked.

2 to 4 servings of fruits and 4 to 6 servings of vegetables :- A serving of raw or cooked vegetables is equal to 1/2 cup (1 cup for leafy greens); a serving of a fruit is 1/2 cup or a fresh fruit the size of a tennis ball.

2 to 3 servings of milk, yogurt, and cheese :- A serving of dairy is equal to 1 cup of milk or yogurt or 1.5 to 2 ounces of cheese.

2 to 3 servings of meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts :- A serving of meat, fish, or poultry is 2 to 3 ounces. A ¼ cup cooked beans or 1 tablespoon of peanut butter is equal to 1 ounce of lean meat.

Use fats, oils, and sweets sparingly :- No diet should totally eliminate any one food group, even fats, oils, and sweets. It’s fine to include them in your diet as long as it’s on occasion and in moderation. An example of a healthy oil to use as a replacement is coconut oil.

An insight into the importance of water intake!

AUGUST 18 , 2017

Weight loss can only be accomplished when you are giving your body the water it needs in addition to enough nutrients.

If you want to lose weight, you have to simply create a calorie deficit. This is when you consume fewer calories than your body burns or burn more calories than you consume.

Your diet should consist of lean proteins, whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables and also essential fatty acids which are those found in olive oil and nuts.

Drinking a minimum of 2.8 litres of water each day helps the body do its job of circulating nutrients, flushing out toxins and extra water and burning fat.

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